Steel Mesh Deer Fence - BarrierBoss

Cultivating Security: Boost Your Farm And Orchard Protection with Steel Mesh Deer Fence

Deer are sprightly and majestic. But they sure can stir up a lot of trouble. They munch on plants in gardens and orchards, making a mess. So, how do you recognize if a deer has created damage to your landscaping? Be on the hunt for their footprints, poop, and paths. Putting up fences or using plant protectors is the best way to keep them away. 

If fencing is your preferred method of deer deterrent, we have a solution: our Hog Fence - Black Vinyl Covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh 6' x 8' Sheets. These sheets are tough and effectively keep deer out, protecting your farm or orchard.

The Need for Property Protection for Your Farm or Orchard 

For farmers and orchard operators, deer are a persistent foe. With an estimated 25 million whitetail deer roaming the U.S., their presence can wreak havoc on crops and gardens.In fact, they can consume up to 2,000 pounds of plant matter a year. And they love to target the outer rows of crop fields. This can be quite the headache for farmers. And it can create quite a financial loss.

But deer are more than just an inconvenience. Like we alluded to above, crops like lettuce, apples, and grapes are favorites for curious deer. And, they really love plants rich in nutrients like sulfur and crude protein. Interestingly, deer tend to avoid plants with high sulfur content. So, they often know better than to consume (or approach) vegetation that is bad for them. However, understand that plants with high protein and digestibility levels do often become secondary targets.

Deer have a pretty wide food preference, from leaves to berries. They’ll also go after oats, sunflowers, peas, and beans. 

Know that deer communicate through scent, sound, and body language. As such, they can easily identify areas that are easily accessible. This makes our steel mesh hog panel sheets a highly effective choice to protect farms, orchards, and gardens.

Features of Deer Fence - Black Vinyl Covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh

Our Deer Fence - Black Vinyl Covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh is super strong. We use only 6-gauge galvanized metal, which is stronger and thicker than the 8-gauge you might see at your local hardware store or lumber yard. This makes it the ideal choice for protecting farms and orchards against peky deer. These panels are six feet in height, and when flipped, they can reach eight feet. So, to answer a commonly asked question, will a six-foot fence keep deer out? The answer is yes. It just depends on how you position the fence and the terrain on which it is built.

But not only can these panels help keep deer out of your spaces, but they are also highly weather-resistant. This means that no matter how bad the weather, they’re likely to stand the test of time.

One reason for this is the weather-resistant black vinyl coating. It provides an extra layer of protection against rust, corrosion, and other elemental damage. This coating improves the fence's lifespan and keeps it looking great. Also, the black coating and wood frame blend in well with the landscape, so they won’t be an eyesore. In fact, these panels may even improve your curb appeal.

With its weather-resistant design, the Deer Fence - Black Vinyl Covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh from BarrierBoss offers you some peace of mind. Worry less about deer invading your space and have more time to focus on growing your crops and financial livelihood. 

Benefits for Farm and Orchard Owners

For farm and orchard owners, you need to protect your livelihood. We get it. Consider these benefits you can expect from our deer fence products.

  • Better security: These panels have sturdy steel mesh construction and a weather-resistant black vinyl coating. They are built to last.
  • Avoid Browsing and Trampling: Deer create damage not just by browsing and skimming off your vegetation. That very act of meandering across your property and orchard can create a lot of ground damage. With deer fencing from Barrier Boss, you can ward off this behavior altogether.
  • Superior strength: Built to withstand harsh outdoor conditions, the Deer Fence - Black vinyl-covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh will last. We’re so confident in this that we warranty our metal products for 40 years.
  • Modern Appearance: These fence panels look amazing with their sleek black vinyl coating. We’re confident you’ll love the outcome.

    Specific Applications for Apple Orchards

    And now, what about them apples?. Deer create a lot of trouble for orchard owners. They love to work their way to an apple tree, browsing, rubbing, and trampling along the way. Their seemingly endless appetites decimate young trees and strip bark. And when this happens, those trees become more susceptible to disease and stunted growth. If that’s not bad enough,  deer activity in orchards can disrupt pollination and harvest processes. It’s like a runaway apple cart. 

    We know you’ll love the black vinyl steel mesh from BarrierBoss. It’s perfect for orchard perimeter fencing. It offers robust protection against deer intrusion and will help protect your investment. And, as we shared above, the weather-resistant black vinyl coating makes the fence even stronger, as if the 6-gauge galvanized steel underneath isn’t enough.

    With high-quality deer fencing, growers can create a secure barrier that protects their investment. This means healthy tree growth and bountiful fruit harvests (we hope!). 

    Investing in Superior Deer Fencing: Protect Your Agricultural Investment 

    We know that a high-quality fence product is a priority, and you don’t have time to waste. You need to protect your crops. Without doing so, you jeopardize your yields. The Hog Fence - Black Vinyl Covered 4 x 4 Steel Mesh from BarrierBoss is just what you need to boost your farm and orchard protection.

    At BarrierBoss, we’re committed to providing nothing but the best in our products and customer service. We want farm and orchard owners to be able to protect their space without breaking the bank. Take a look through our product catalog. We’re confident you’ll find the right deer fence solution for your needs. 

    Not sure where to start? Check out our deer fencing solutions!

    Frequently Asked Questions 

    What makes BarrierBoss deer fence better than other brands?

    Our deer fence is made from heavy-duty 6-gauge galvanized steel. Most of our competitors use 8-gauge. The lower the number, the thicker and stronger the steel is. The result? A stronger product that is far less likely to rust and corrode.

    How high of a fence can deer jump?

    Adult deer can clear fences measuring seven feet or taller and navigate through narrow openings within vertical and horizontal slat fences. To best prevent deer, be sure to avoid vegetation that may lure them in. And invest in a high-quality deer fence from BarrierBoss. We offer 6' high x 8' wide hog panel fencing and heavy-duty deer fencing in 100’ lengths and heights of 5’, 6’, and 7’. 

    How tall of a fence can keep deer out?

    Basically, the taller the fence, the better. In most places, you’re typically safe with a 7-foot fence. An 8-foot fence is optimal for wide-open areas like grasslands and fields as deer can jump higher when they have a lot of space to gain momentum. Thus, in wooded and landscaped regions, a 7-foot fence works. For garden enclosures up to 100-150 feet and difficult terrains, we recommend a fence that is 5’ to 6’ high.

    How high should a deer fence be?

    Your fence height may vary based on where you live. If you live out in the country where deer can pick up speed and momentum as they run, we suggest a 7’ high fence. If you live in a suburban or wooded area, you may be able to get away with a fence between 5’ to 7’ high.

    Can I use these panels as a railing?

    Yes, many of our customers choose our 6' x 8' hog panel fence for deck railings. The modern look makes these great statement pieces, and different from what else you might see in the neighborhood. When you use these as railings, it will result in a four-foot-high railing. This aligns with standard measurements, within a six-foot-long piece.